- News
Established in 2019, our research group is a relatively new group in the ICME, to fulfill the missions of the institute, especially “promoting research related to the basic science and application of the structure and functions of materials” by taking advantage of multi-scale & multi-dimensional materials characterization techniques. In particular, we focus on developing and utilizing advanced transmission electron microscopy, so-called “in-situ nanoimaging” to visualize&investigate how materials response to external stimuli, i.e., heat, light, stress; such findings provide direct proof of underlying-mechanisms behind complex phenomena, and enhance understanding of macro-scale properties. Real-time nanoimaging demands hundreds or thousands of times faster data acquisition methods than conventional TEM imaging, which motivates us to strive novel methodology developments such as machine-learning-assisted image denoising for ultrafast 3D nanoimaging. Our unique imaging capabilities/expertise will unveil various physical/chemical phenomena at the nanoscale.
We firstly clarify the mechanism for the nucleation of various deformation modes from grain boundaries and interfaces in the metallic materials having highly controlled nano-/micro-structures. Then, the mechanism for the regeneration of strain-hardening ability by the nucleation of different deformation modes is fundamentally studied.
Saito is a representative of Group A3 in a transformative research area ” Fast electron nano-Optics (FENO)” (Area representative: Takumi Sannomiya @Tokyo Institute of Technology, and aims to realize new nanoscale light measurement methods using electron beams. Saito’s group will particularly work on developing an advanced method to measure “invisible light” confined in nanostructures by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS).