JST-CREST NanoMechanics (Tsuji Team)
The overall strategy of our research
The overall strategy utilized to carry out our research is described in our recent article in “Materia”.

Understanding fundamental plastic deformation mechanisms of dual-phase materials consisting of hard and soft phases.
The possibility of improving the strength-ductility balance by grain refinement of austenite and ferrite microstructures in a low-carbon (2Mn-0.1C) steel has been investigated. Good strain-hardening ability is likely associated with characteristic features of the fine-grained microstructure.
Investigating plastic deformation mechanisms of bulk-nanostructured twin induced plasticity (TWIP) steels
a) grain refinement induced yielding and deformation mechanisms transition
b) real-time observation of deformation twin nucleation by in-situ TEM
c) Mechanistic investigation of deformation twin nucleation
d) real-time observation of deformation twin nucleation by in-situ micro-pillar compression
e) Grain boundary structure transition by dislocation emission and its impact on the macroscopic ductility
Developing a modeling framework for TRIP-TWIP materials
We have been developing a modeling framework coupling the multi-phase-field (MPF) and the dislocation-based crystal plasticity models through the defect density considering material properties of TRIP/TWIP metals in order to establish a fundamental microstructure design principle of high strength and large ductility structural metallic materials.