NewsOthers 2024.03.25 M2 student Mr. Sato received Master degree from Kyushu University. Congratulations!
NewsCRESTRESEARCH 2023.12.15 Assistant Professor Dr. Ihara and Researcher Dr. Punyafu gave presentations at MRM2023 in Kyoto
NewsRESEARCH 2023.09.15 Assistant Professor Ihara, Researcher Lavakumar, Ms. Jesada D3, and Ms. Sato M2 gave presentations at IMC20 in Busan.
NewsRESEARCH 2023.09.08 At the IMC20 Satellite Symposium, Fellow Mr.Lavakumar received the Best Poster Award and M2 Mr.Sato received the Excellent Poster Award.
NewsRESEARCH 2023.09.08 Assistant Professor Ihara, Fellow Mr.Lavekumar, D3 Mr.Punyafu and M2 Mr. Sato gave presentations at the IMC20 Satellite Symposium